Located in RATHDRUM
Diesel, Cars, and Light Trucks

Auto Services We Provide
American Eagle Automotive’s primary goal is to provide customer service based on honesty and integrity as well as offer auto repair that is reasonably priced and guaranteed. We provide service from a dependable ASE certified mechanic that is licensed and insured with 30 years of automotive experience. We want you to feel secure sending your mom, daughter, or any other family member to us for sound automotive repair.

Diesel Services
Your trusted Rathdrum mechanic now has a certified diesel mechanic on staff full-time for all your diesel repair needs.
In-Shop Services
No matter your vehicle repair needs we have the experience. Including: Tune ups, Oil Changes, Diagnostics Services, Transmission Service, Brakes, etc.
Specializing in fleet service, maintenance and repair. More than an oil change!
About Us
Keith Butler
Keith is ASE certified and has 40+ years of experience in the automotive industry and continuing education. Keith began his career in independent shops in 1979.
Employed at Bill Wright Toyota Dealership in Bakersfield, California for approximately 7 years where he was a team leader over 3 people for two years.
Employed at Kern County Fleet Services in Bakersfield, California for 8 years achieving level of Senior Mechanic over a crew of 3 maintaining approximately 1,000 county vehicles including the Sheriff’s Department patrol cars.
After moving to Idaho, Keith held employment at independent shops in Spokane Valley, Washington, and Hayden, Idaho.
Since mid-June 2013, Keith provides full-time automotive repair service through American Eagle Automotive.
Wanda Butler
Wanda has over 30+ years of office experience.
8 years in a financial institution
5 years operating a computer lab at an elementary school
6 years as a legal secretary
2 years as a Legal Technician at Kern County Sheriff’s Department in Bakersfield, California,
The remainder in the court system as an administrative secretary and courtroom clerk/judicial assistant.
Daniel Kidwell
Shop foreman
He graduated from UTI Technical School in 2005 with education in diesel and gas vehicles including a Ford Module.
He was hired prior to graduation by a Ford Dealership. He obtained the Ford Certified Diesel certification. He continued to work in Ford Dealerships, the last one being Tom Addis Ford in Coeur d’Alene until 2014 when he came to work for American Eagle Automotive and has been here ever since.
Daniel has 15 years of experience in the automotive industry.
Daniel adds his expertise in diesel work to our list of services offered.


Tune Ups

Suspension Service

Brake Services

Radiator Service

Battery Service

Gas & Diesel Engine Repair

Gas & Diesel Engine Replacement

Gear Box Fluid Replacement

Fuel System Cleaning

Transmission Replacement and Fluid Flush

Air Conditioning Services

Diagnostics & Electrical

Vehicle Inspections

Headlights and Taillights

Trailer/Toy Hauler , lights, electrical, and hitches

Our Philosophy
American Eagle Automotive’s primary goal is to provide customer service based on honesty and integrity as well as offer auto repair that is reasonably priced and guaranteed. We provide service from a dependable ASE certified mechanic that is licensed and insured with 30 years of automotive experience. We want you to feel secure sending your mom, daughter, or any other family member to us for sound automotive repair.